Reflections During the Holidays

This photo is the work of one of my clients, Liz Lauter, who came to me to explore her retirement options and we created a business for her that is focused on ceramics, paintings, and textile designs.  She made this menorah which I think represents the holiday season we will soon be beginning.  (

Holidays are a Time for Reflection Then Action 

Holidays can be crazy, fun, non-stop activities.  Don't let them fly by without finding time to stop, relax and articulate insights you have had about the next stage of your life.  This time to pause and take stock can give you a new direction and creative solutions to experiment with during the new year.  Reflection is necessary, but not enough without taking action and trying new things.

Create an identity and story that links your current self with the new self you might want to become.  Don't wait until the third stage of your life to decide how to spend your later years.  Start exploring and experimenting now.

Pick one thing you could do differently in the New Year to bring you closer to the identity you may want to have 10 - 20 years from now or sooner.  You could join a new organization, learn a new skill, get a new certification, become a board member or advisor, negotiate a sabbatical, volunteer or intern to explore other fields or expand your connections to tell your story to new people in a new way.

Describe what you've done in the past that has brought you to this new option and made you an ideal candidate for this new role.

Few people get it right the first time.  It takes experimenting and small wins to find the most meaningful choices.  Fits and starts are to be expected when you're in a process of self-renewal.  Interim steps are often required before finding a new identity that feels like your true self and can take several years before it seems right.  But, that's the fun of it.  You're learning and evolving so it's supposed to be confusing and at times you'll feel stuck.  But, along the way opportunities will arise and if they feel right give them a chance.

Holidays and the transition to a new year are ideal times for fresh starts.  How can you shake up your life to get to the best version of your identity?

Happy Holidays, Andrea



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