Happy Holidays and a Toast to New Leadership
Dec 11, 2020It's been a while since I've sent anything to you since I know everyone's been busy just trying to get through this year without another email to read. There's never been another year like it and hopefully, better things are ahead for 2021.
In the midst of all the challenges good things have happened for many of my clients and friends and I hope for you also. Some people have used their new-found time at home to launch businesses, get new jobs, develop skills, or figure out how to do 6th-grade math to home-school their children.
It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since I left my corporate life, launched a new business, 2 1/2 years since I published my book and I still feel like Every Night's Friday Night! I heartily endorse the idea of retiring from a full-time job and finding new work and interests to pursue. Other than living through a pandemic, this has been a good time in my life and many of my clients feel the same who have changed their lives for the better in spite of all the challenges.
Unfortunately, many people are still struggling with businesses closed or greatly reduced in scope and others lost jobs that have not been replaced. And my heart goes out to those who have had Covid or had friends or family members who have become ill or even died. This would have been something unthinkable even a year ago and now we hear only of increases in numbers every week.
My hope is that our new government's leadership will be able to execute plans to reduce the impact of this virus and eventually moves our lives forward to a new place of safety and gratitude for every new day.
Opportunities for growth will increase as we enter a new time of working from anywhere and hybrid work that combines in-person and virtual. I've enjoyed working virtually this year with my clients and while I hope to someday also be able to do in-person sessions, I've been surprised at how effective we can be as long as we see one another. It may become tiring to live our lives on screens, but we've learned we can do more than we thought and use our time efficiently.
The popularity of podcasts has also dramatically increased and it's now a $1 billion dollar industry that lets us connect with others when we don't want to be on a screen but are driving or taking a walk. It's something that I and many of my clients are considering as an addition to our regular services to reach more people in new ways. Check out Anchor by Spotify if you want to read more about ways to create a podcast.
I'm looking forward to Jan. 20th and next summer and fall when hopefully vaccines will be available and the world will become more accessible.
Enjoy your holiday season remotely or in small groups and I wish you a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate. Know that you are in my thoughts as we search for new ways to become inclusive and supportive of one another in the new year.
Best Wishes!