Climb The Second Mountain in the Third Stage of Your Life

May 02, 2019

I recently found a book that was so much in keeping with my own ideas about how to live this third stage of life that I had to mention it to all of you. Thanks to a client of mine, Peter, who referred it to me, I’ll pass on the favor and do the same for you. David Brooks, the author, talks about the transition from a life of individual achievement on the first mountain to a life of commitment to others and a purpose that is important to you on the second. From a first mountain of building up the ego, defining yourself and creating accomplishments to the second mountain of transformation, contribution to others and joy. He has many good ideas for making the journey. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did and that it is helpful to you as you make transitions in your life.

It’s been a busy year so far and I’ve been very involved working with Impact, the philanthropy organization I’ve mentioned in the past in Sonoma. I worked with them last year, and this year I’ve been the Chair of the committee that selects the finalists for their largest grant. It’s been very satisfying to now have narrowed down our nominees to present to the whole membership for their votes and to get to know new people and organizations in the county.

I’m now starting to see clients in the town of Sonoma if you know of anyone you’d like to refer, as well as doing more virtual work with clients across the country on Zoom or Skype.

My book, Every Night’s Friday Night: Time and Freedom for the Rest of Your Life is doing well and continues to be available in hardcover here on my website, or on Amazon in paperback or Kindle. Hardcover books are also sold in Sonoma at Readers’ Books, and in San Francisco and Palo Alto at Books, Inc. for those who live in the SF Bay Area.

Spring is the ideal time of year to start making plans for the next stage in your life and to begin thinking about re-invention and transformation. If I can help in any way let me know. I’m happy to do a free half-hour consulting session by phone to see if there’s a fit. If you’re interested, email me at [email protected].

Let me know how you’re doing as you start to climb your second mountain.