Shelter-in-Place with Amava.com
Apr 08, 2020I hope you, your family and friends are safe and not going stir-crazy while we all get through this pandemic together but apart. Most of us never imagined we'd live through watching people become sick and die globally at such an alarming rate with more still to come.
Being confined to our homes except for the most essential activities emphasizes the importance of connecting virtually if we can't spend time together in person as we're accustomed to doing. I'm seeing my clients virtually and just had "virtual coffee" with a friend.
I always like to bring you new resources in my blogs so today I want to tell you about a website I find very interesting to help us connect virtually during this time of physical distancing.
This is a website focused on my passion to help clients find what will be most meaningful at the next stage of their lives, or as Amava calls it "discover your next." The website is a start-up company designed for people 45+ who may be looking for part-time jobs or volunteer work in their retirement and ways to connect virtually.
I discovered the site because one of my clients, Lita Reyes, who has her own philanthropy consulting business, recently did some consulting work there as a Partner Relations Manager. She shares my interest in creating a mosaic of activities that is right for her at this stage in life. Check out Amava.com. It's free to become a member and at this time in our lives, I think it's especially valuable.
I've been trying to think of what else I can offer to others during this difficult time. Many people have lost their jobs or watched their savings drop dramatically. So, I decided to lower the cost of my consulting services and the cost of my book from now until the end of June in the hopes this might help.
The signed, hardcover copy of my book, Every Night's Friday Night will now be $20 and this includes taxes and shipping in the US. It's available on my website AndreaHuff.com. I'll also reduce the cost of my consulting services during this time and you can contact me at Andrea@ AndreaHuff.com if you'd like more information about fees.
Stay safe and I wish you and your family good health. If I can help you in any way let me know.